Cub Scout Pack 255
Chevy Chase, MD
Cub Scout Pack 255 is an active Pack in Chevy Chase, Maryland. For more than 83 years, Pack 255 has taught Cub Scouts to do their best, to help others, and to live their lives according to the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Pack 255 is a Family Scouting Pack!
We welcome kids of all genders in grades K-5 to join Pack 255 and become Cub Scouts. Our mission is to provide a fun space for families to enjoy the outdoors, develop kids' leadership skills, and share the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Boys and girls participate together in our activities. We are a fully volunteer run organization, and we invite you to join us.
You're invited to learn more about Pack 255 and Cub Scouting!
Please join us at our Pack Discovery Day on Sunday, September 8th anytime between 2 and 4pm or at our first pack meeting on September 23rd, 2024 at 6:30 PM at Chevy Chase United Methodist Church (in the playground or in Phillips Hall).

For More information
Prospective families please check out the About and Join pages.
Questions? Send an email to
Apply to Pack 255 online! (via the website)
Interested In Joining Cub Scouts?
Contact us at and visit our Join Cub Scouts page.
Already a Registered Cub Scout?
Looking for the schedule? Go to Scoutbook Plus to access the schedule, advancement and everything else Cub Scouts.
Want to Pay for Cub Scout Activities?
Go to the Payments page on this site for payment information.